Andy Gray
1 min readDec 11, 2019


Photo by Steve Shreve on Unsplash

To my son…

Well done today Will.
To get a Cambridge interview for Economics is, in itself, a major feat.

How it pans out is irrelevant - you have already been judged as being potentially amongst the most able in the country.
Whether they like you — and equally whether you like them, remains to be seen.

I am so very proud of you.
Let me repeat that… I am so very proud of you.

I am so very proud of your personal standards, of your commitment to the things that are important to you, but most importantly of all, I am so very proud of your humanity.

Your empathy and willingness to stand up for others and what is right, is, at times, very humbling. After an incredibly difficult year personally, you have shown a level of resilience, fortitude, and still a deep and real concern for others, that bodes very well for your future.

You are growing up to be a man I am incredibly proud to call my son.

As one of my former bands mottos reads, “Justum perfectum, nihils timeto”.

I would just say, “keep on son — you’ve got this…”

Dad xxx



Andy Gray

Trombone playing, biologically qualified, sailing, software developer, scratching a longstanding itch (if I ever pluck up the courage to post!)